The heart of Westridge Elementary is its staff, a group of dedicated professionals who see the whole child and value supporting all parts of their development. They understand that education is about more than just academics. It's about nurturing the growth of each student in every way possible. This dedication as a staff and community is supported by a firm belief that all students can learn at high levels.
To achieve this, the school has structures in place to support meeting the individual needs of all students. Teachers use innovative and forward-thinking methods. This allows for open-minded and flexible approaches to education. They are not just instructors but problem solvers who believe they can overcome any obstacle to help their students succeed.
Westridge also values art, music, physical education and technology. Our school fosters creativity, encourages self-expression, promotes physical well-being and develops essential technological skills. These programs allow students to explore their creative sides and develop a well-rounded set of skills.
Many after-school opportunities enrich learning further. Students can participate in a variety of clubs and activities, from science and robotics to taekwondo. These activities allow children to explore their interests and talents beyond the traditional classroom setting.
Strong partnerships between the school and families are a cornerstone of Westridge's success. The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is incredibly supportive, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration between the school and the families it serves. The PTA works together with the school to organize events, provide resources and ensure that all students have what they need to thrive.
The school community also values relationships. Students and staff form buddy partnerships between grades, fostering a sense of mentorship and friendship that goes beyond the classroom. Even the administration is hands-on and collaborative, ensuring that the school's vision is upheld in every aspect of its operation.
One of the most significant investments Westridge Elementary has made is in staffing to support the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) needs of students. The school recognizes that students' well-being and emotional growth are just as important as their academic achievements.
At Westridge Elementary, students want to be involved in their school. They take on responsibilities like classroom jobs, participate in activities like band and orchestra and form lasting connections with one another. The students are a kind and big-hearted bunch who support each other in their pursuit of excellence.
Each grade level has its own set of traditions and exceptional experiences within the classrooms. These traditions create a sense of continuity and belonging, helping students feel connected to their peers and the entire school. It's a creative community, where both staff and students are encouraged to think outside the box and embrace new ideas.
Westridge Elementary is a place where students thrive, not just academically, but as individuals. The warm, welcoming staff provides a supportive community and positive environment that nurtures learning and growth. It's a place where everyone believes that with the right support and an unwavering commitment to each child's success, anything is possible.